Talk:Party and play
This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Party and play article. This is not a forum for general discussion of the article's subject. |
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The over-use of the term PNP to refer to methamphetamine use during sex is over-stated and confused. There are several glossaries online from the source beginning of this definition used online which is the actual source basis of this definition. Why this is important to Not Mis-Term and Mis-Use In Cyberspace? Why this article must be revised to remove meth as it's principle focus of this article.
Where Is Marijuana Legal in the United States? List of Recreational and Medicinal States
On Nov. 8, 2016, voters in nine states decided whether or not to legalize marijuana. Five of those states — Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada — saw ballot initiatives to legalize weed for recreational purposes. Voters in Arkansas, Florida and North Dakota decided whether to legalize medical cannabis. Montana voted on expanding medical marijuana rights.
As the election results rolled in, Florida was the first to officially announce it had legalized medical marijuana. North Dakota and Arkansas followed.
California and Massachusetts were the first of the states considering recreational pot to legalize it. Nevada soon followed.
Voters in Arizona ultimately rejected their state's bid to legalize recreational marijuana. As of Wednesday, Nov. 10, Maine was on course to pass legal weed, however it wasn't yet official.
In mid-April, Pennsylvania passed legislation to legalize medical marijuana, bringing the total number of states (plus Washington, D.C.) with some form of legal pot to 24. The majority of those states have legalized cannabis for medicinal purposes, however recreational marijuana use is fully leg al in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and the District of Columbia.
Google Search : information privacy law kang
Also Avail Here as Spoken Voice Narrative : Information Privacy Kang
� Avoiding embarrassment.� In any given culture, disclosures of certain behaviors, actions, or fates will embarrass the individual‑‑even when the behavior, action, or fate is neither blameworthy nor stigmatized.� Take urination for example.� There is nothing wrong with urination; all humans do it.� The fact that someone urinates is not going to be used against her. However, a visual disclosure of that behavior‑‑for instance, being caught on videotape through a hidden camera‑‑would cause intense embarrassment for most Americans.� Another example is minor hemorrhoids.� Assume that this fact will not be used against the person in any way.� The individual will not pay more for health insurance, will not drop in social standing, and will not lose her job or friends.� Nevertheless, the broad disclosure of this fact would embarrass many, perhaps most, people.
� That these examples are culturally contingent makes them no less real. [FN62]� In other words, the fact that different cultures may react differently to such disclosures does not deny that, for each culture, there are some zones of behavior, actions, or fates the disclosure of which‑‑in and of itself‑‑will cause discomfort or embarrassment. [FN63]� One value of information privacy, then, is to avoid the simple pain of embarrassment.
� Constructing intimacy.� An individual's capacity to disclose personal information selectively also supports her ability to modulate intimacy. Charles Fried has argued this case most prominently. [FN64]� By virtue of information privacy, one can selectively regulate the outflow of personal information to others.� By reducing this flow to a trickle, one can construct "aloofness, removal, and reserve," [FN65] and maintain substantial social distance.� Conversely, *1213 one can release a more telling flow of personal information, [FN66] which invites and affirms intimacy. [FN67]
� According to Fried, information privacy is necessary to create social relationships that go beyond the basic respect due all human beings. [FN68] Something in addition to basic human respect must exist between two individuals to transform their relationship into one of trust, friendship, or love.� That additional something is intimacy, which is partly created by the release of secrets‑‑the selective disclosure of personal information. [FN69]� Without information privacy, we would be less able to disclose on a case‑by‑case basis the nonpublic facets of our personality.� Thus, we would lack the "moral capital" [FN70] needed to construct intimacy. [FN71]
� I concur with Jeffrey Reiman's critique of Fried that intimacy is more related to the sharing of experiences than the sharing of secrets. [FN72] This does not mean that information privacy has nothing to do with modulating intimate relationships.� I believe that intimacy, at least for adults in current American culture, involves the display of certain behaviors unseen in public areas, such as playfulness, childlikeness, and certain types of physical touching‑‑which take root and flower best in an information preserve, away from the harsh light of publicity. [FN73]� If we were under observation, we would not be able to display caring to other individuals as freely, spontaneously, or completely as we might otherwise. [FN74]� This, in turn, would hinder the construction of deep social relationships.
� *1214 Averting misuse.� Yet another value of privacy is that it protects against improper uses of personal information.� Personal information can be misused in two ways.� First, it can derail an otherwise fair process that distributes benefits and burdens.� Many social goods‑‑such as jobs, offices, remuneration, and respect‑‑as well as social bads‑‑such as unfriendliness, disrespect, and imprisonment‑‑are granted or denied on the basis of data about ourselves.� If these social goods and bads are allocated based on personal data of poor quality, unfairness may result: Garbage in, garbage out. [FN75] Further, high quality information in one context may be low quality information in another because, as Kenneth Karst explains, "the evaluator and the recipient of his statement may not share the same standards for reducing a complex set of facts to evaluative inferences or even the same language." [FN76]� Worse, such decisions may be difficult to discover and correct, [FN77] especially when they are generated through automated processes.� Computers, with their air of objectivity and infallibility, resist dispute. [FN78]� One way to check against such information misuse is to give the individual greater control over the flow of personal information.� An individual with such control will take preventative *1215 measures, for instance, by keeping irrelevant personal data away from the decisionmaker. [FN79]
� Second, information can be misused by making us vulnerable to unlawful acts and ungenerous practices.� After all, personal information is what the spying business calls "intelligence," and such "intelligence" helps shift the balance of power [FN80] in favor of the party who wields it. [FN81]� To take a simple example, knowledge of our home phone number and address makes us more vulnerable to harassers [FN82] and stalkers. [FN83]� Personal information can also make us vulnerable, for instance, to identity theft.� [FN84]� Besides outright illegal acts, another's control of our personal information can make us susceptible to a whole range of ungenerous practices. It could subject us to influence that crosses the line between persuasion and undue influence.� Sophisticated advertisers, for example, do not merely track consumer demand; they manufacture *1216 it outright. [FN85]� Detailed knowledge of who we are and what we consume makes the job of preference fabrication that much easier. [FN86]� More disturbingly, personal information can be misused by making us vulnerable to prejudice or unwarranted disesteem.� An example is the information that one is gay, which could be evidenced by accessing certain Internet discussion groups or making certain cyberspace purchases. [FN87]� For those not generally "out," the inability to control this information creates tremendous social and psychological vulnerability.
� Individual vulnerability has social consequences.� It chills individuals from engaging in unpopular or out‑of‑the‑mainstream behavior.� While uniform obedience to criminal and tort laws may deserve praise, not criticism, excessive inhibition‑‑not only of illegal activity but also of legal, but unpopular, activity [FN88]‑‑can corrode private experimentation, deliberation, and reflection. [FN89]� The end result may be bland, unoriginal thinking [FN90] or excessive *1217 conformity to unwarranted social norms. [FN91]� Worse, the self‑repression of activity and communication could undermine the self‑critical capacities of a polity.� [FN92]� This is why totalitarian regimes have maligned a desire for privacy as deviant, in part to sap an individual's ability to question the status quo and to experiment with alternate conceptions of the good life. [FN93]
� Moreover, it is not inherently wrong for individuals to have differing private and public masks. [FN103]� Consider how differently we act, and rightly so, between work and home.� Only an unsophisticated psychology assumes one true, essential personality, with all other personae spurned as deceitful masks.� In fact, all our masks, all our roles, constitute integral facets of our personalities, none of which is necessarily privileged, true, or authentic. [FN104]� This is not to say that no core personality exists.� But this core personality is a weighted composite of the multiple personalities we experience and cultivate. [*1220 FN105]� The ability to maintain divergent public and private personae creates the elbowroom necessary to resist social and political homogeneity. [FN106]
� In sum, information privacy does not necessarily promote deception and fraud.� It can do so only if both the nature of the relationship between the individual and the information user, and the ethical or legal duties of disclosure inherent to that relationship, command an openness that information privacy prevents.� What is important is that in most cyberspace transactions, which I describe below, far more information is collected than any self‑ defense "need to know" principle could justify.
See Also : Computing and Moral Responsbility : Spoken Voice Narrative Interface
AUDIO-Special Community Use Address : use-of-computing-and-moral-responsibility : WRITTEN-TEXT − − Even the reference that google returns is more accurate that the definition that is stated currently in this article. The First Online Usage Reference Is May 5, 1997 and predates the first usage directly associating this term to meth. In 2000, the reference from the was then used to give it further reference to meth. The orginial use of this term of pnp outside of pnp [ plug and play ] began prior to the usage. This is a fact of the use of this term in history terms on google pnp
− − Google Default Content Returns:
− Party and play is a subculture of recreational drug users who engage in high risk sexual activities under the influence of drugs within groups. Wikipedia. Google Search PNP.
− − When people use the term "party and play" (or PnP for short), they usually mean drugs ("party") and sex ("play"). Party and play is most commonly used as an expression in the gay scene. Apr 12, 2016 Google Party and Play
− − The bias skew of this article to the over-enphamsis of meth use needs to be corrected.
− − Even the meaning defined on Wiktionary : pnp and party and play are more accurate to the actual defintion. as "(LGBT, idiomatic) Marked by the use of drugs and the absence of sexual inhibitions."
− − The very orginial use of this word has absoltely no reference to meth use. It has more relevance to Altered States in general than meth specific usage. Cited In Altered States "While skeptical psychological researchers continue to label claims of revelation and transcendence through altered states of consciousness as delusional and self-deceptive, others call for a serious examination of various states of consciousness and ask for more research to learn the particular significance of each state on the totality of the human entity. Many parapsychologists firmly believe that continued research into altered states of consciousness may well reveal that humankind's most important discoveries, its highest peaks of ecstasy, and its greatest moments of inspiration occur in reverie, in dreams, and in states of consciousness presently ignored by the professional world and the general public."Altered States
− − Futhermore, taking this article into account :
− − Psychology Today : Normalizing Drug Use
− − Drug use does not become and remain addictive more often than other involvements
− Posted Apr 25, 2014
− − Excerpts:
− − Carl shows that the supposedly inevitable negative effects of methamphetamines are overstated—as is obvious from their sharing a chemical structure with Adderall.
− − By and large, people don't accept Bruce's, Carl's, and my idea that drug responses fall in the range of normal human experiences, or my idea of the equivalency of drug and behavioral addictions (which is now the American Psychiatric Association's official position). (Please don't answer, "You don't mean physiologically addictive." See The Meaning of Addiction.) Americans carry too much cultural baggage to allow those ideas in. Instead, we think drugs—especially narcotics, and most especially heroin, followed by cocaine, crack and meth—are "truly" addictive. In fact, did you know cocaine was only declared addictive in the 1980s, after a century and more of experience with the drug?
− − Here are the current abusers/addicts with these drugs: heroin (0.1 percent), cocaine (0.4 percent), crack (not listed), meth (only stimulants listed = 0.2 percent). So, for heroin, that's four percent of ever users who are addicted, and for cocaine about the same as for marijuana (around 2 percent). While meth and crack can't be calculated, the figure is clearly a small minority (less than 10 percent).
− − What are we to make of that? According to government surveys, people rarely find even the most addictive, dangerous drugs to be, well, addictive and dangerous.Psychology Today : Normalizing Drug Use
The term is often but not always used by and associated with gay men[1] and other men who have sex with men (MSM). The drug of choice is typically methamphetamine, known as tina in the gay community,[2] but other drugs are also used, such as mephedrone, GHB, and GBL.[3]
Correcting this article's bias ! This article I so declare is a homophobic creation ---
− − Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals - that is, lesbians and gay men - sometimes leading to acts of violence and expressions of hostility. Homophobia is not confined to any one segment of society, and can be found in people from all walks of life.
− − Validating PNP as a valid lifestyle: --- its more about Altered States and less about Drug Use.
− −
Under the HoodWhy Sex Feels Good: Neuroscientist Finds Orgasms Enhance Brain Activity, Leading To Altered State Of ConsciousnessNov 3, 2016 01:26 PM By Lizette Borreli @lizcelineb
− − To Name a few resources. That is over two years old.
− − From:
− − The PARTNER study, a licence to bareback?Mar 28, 2014by Roger in ARV-based Intervention
− − “Lads, lads, lads. Let’s just rein in our penises and hold fire on the condom-burning for a cotton-picking second. No transmissions doesn’t mean there’s a zero risk of transmitting HIV, it just means there were no transmissions. Granted, it’s encouraging, but only as encouraging as playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun and getting away with your head intact after multiple tries. There’s still a bullet in the gun, my friends. ” write Johns in the issue 141 of FS magazine.
− − Different factors can increase or decrease transmission risk. For example, taking antiretroviral therapy (i.e., medicines for HIV
− infection) can reduce the risk of an HIV-infected person transmitting the infection to another by as much as 96%
− , and consistent use of condoms reduces the risk of getting or transmitting HIV by about 80%.
− −
− − Here is the fact about Russian Roulette.
− One Bullet In The Chamber of a Six Shooter
− That is 16.66666% that bullet will be spun.
− If Strict Condom Use Is 80% Effective, it's 20% ineffective.
− That is worse odds than Russian Roulette.
− Where is the answer?
Cultually, pnp is not a gay/homosexual lexicon [ at least any more ]:
and there is no drug reference "meth" in this video either.
Aaron Paul - PNP (Party n Play) - Official music video
Don't seu that drugs names in popular music is -off-limits
Or this Clasic:
Furthermore pnp is not strictly only used as a m4m forums.... Take this CraigsList Search [ pnp -m4m -m4mm ]
WARNING! SEXUAL CONTENT FOUND HERE ] 1 to 100 of 666 Matches.
AS THIS ARTICLE STILL REFLECTS THE BIAS OF GAY TERMS -- THIS ARTICLE'S BIAS IS CREATED ON SITE AS HOMOPHOBIC.!!! — Preceding unsigned comment added by RealUpHuman (talk • contribs) 16:18, 28 November 2016 (UTC)
WPCD[edit source]
People all over the world even in countries outside of the USA PNP. It's also common in rural areas and urban areas too.
PNPing without meth[edit source]
Okay, all the sources i found when writing this article said that meth is the only drug used. You said wait oh no E too Crack too, etc. So i added it in, then you removed it saying it wasnt cited. Well youre right it shouldnt say anything besides meth untill you can properly cite that assertion orelse its pattent truthiness and has no place here. I think its very very important to emphasize that Meth is the predominant/default/assumed drug when speaking of PNPing. if other drugs are used and called pnping, or if in combination with meth, you need to qualify and include it but not add in usually meth, without saying what else.qrc2006/email 22:47, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
Cited. House of Scandal 23:54, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
You can PNP on Marijuana, cocaine/crack, MDMA/MDA, heroin/other opiates, Alcohol, GHB, and meth. All PNP means is that someone is having sex while under the influence of drugs. It can be just one like meth or it could be multiple ones. I do not PNP but I have met a fair amount of people who do and it does lower your inhibitions so you will have sex with people who you normally would not or do not know, and some people do things like bareback or have unsafe sex that they would not do if they were sober. Generally though when someone says that they want to "party" or PNP it does mean use meth but it can also mean using any of the drugs previously listed while having sex.
- Poorly, how 3rd grade!qrc2006/email 04:01, 6 January 2007 (UTC)
The Urban Dictionary is not considered a reliable source, only used to substantiate the existance of certain terms but anyone can add in an entry and doesnt have to cite it. i can go on there right now and say PNP means Walking you dog or having interracial sex or having sex while smoking weed.
also definition number one was rated 15-2 and is the correct one and the serious links to articles in TIME and make no mention of drugs other than crystal my friend. They are much more trusted sources.
I agree that all PNP means is sex under the influence of drugs and that you don't have to be using crystal meth, coke or crack, as you can PNP on Marijuana and booze. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:03, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Citation[edit source]
The citation I added over explains that the term mostly has to do with meth and made it obvious that some use it in a broader sense which, despite your beliefs or wishes, is true. Urban Dictionary was only one of three references I gave. You can't find a source that says "PNP means only sex with meth", only sources that don't mention other drugs, which I acknowledged. You obviously have some axe to grind and are trying to suppress info rather than allow it to be judged by readers. I just give information; people who have agendas other than producing the most informative article possible are a mystery to me. Your actions are against the spirit of Wikipedia. I am not your friend but your sarcasm is noted and, I think, indicative of the maturity with you bring to this matter (much like your "well you know what?" comment). You are tiresome and wrong. This is my last communication to you. House of Scandal 04:31, 6 January 2007 (UTC) /private/Network/Servers/ clipping.pictClipping/private/Network/Servers/ clipping.pictClipping
edits[edit source]
I think MDMA and GHB should be mentioned by name, and also the words "in combination" should be added or it should just say meth. I think its problematic to say typically meth w/o saying what is untypical if you seem to know it. why shouldnt PNP and the movie 24hrs on craigslist be mentioned?qrc2006/email 23:06, 8 January 2007 (UTC) SHUTUP!Template:Ģ
I thought meth was called tina, because drug dealers gave it a female name crystal became 'christina' then just 'tina' —Preceding unsigned comment added by Ottawakismet (talk • contribs) 07:31, 9 April 2010 (UTC)
Neutrality[edit source]
What exactly is not considered neutral?qrc2006/email 14:36, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
Removing POV tags is not a clear violation of Wikipedia policy. No rationale has been given for the inclusion of the tag and there does not seem to be any POV issues from what I can see. No discussion has been made on the topic. Adding tags without reasoning is considered poor style. Removing them when there is no debate nor rationale is proper.
I think maybe the tag was added because of all the homophobic subtext? A completely naive reader only reading this article might be led to think sex on meth was a purely gay phenomenon. PNP might be gay slang, but I highly doubt gay men are the only people who have sex while high. Quodfui (talk) 00:05, 3 February 2016 (UTC)
Merge[edit source]
Suggest merge with Methamphetamine and sex.— Preceding unsigned comment added by Miserlou (talk • contribs)
- Not a good idea at this point -- reliable sources such as the BMJ state that this now goes beyond just methamphetamine, and extends to the use of several other drugs. -- The Anome (talk) 23:56, 11 December 2015 (UTC)
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